Gay pride day nyc

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The message of this year’s march is “If You Change Nothing, Nothing Will Change,” and the Grand Marshalls are Chris Salgardo (President of Kiehl’s), Cyndi Lauper (a native New Yorker and long-time supporter of equality), and Phyllis Seagel & Connie Kopelov (NYC’s 1st officially married same-sex couple). Heritage of Pride, a non-profit, volunteer-managed organization, oversees the March (aka Parade), which commemorates the Stonewall Riots (the 1969 violent resistance to harassment that sparked the national Gay Rights Movement). Sunday, June 24th NYC becomes even more colorful with the annual Gay Pride March, one of the world’s largest celebrations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender pride.Ĭlick here for photos from last year’s Pride March.

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